Journal of Process Analytical Chemistry


Information for Authors

Types of Contributions

The journal publishes original research papers, tutorial articles, reviews, case studies and applications within the areas of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) - overall Process Understanding and Control; including (PAT Tools): Multivariate tools for design, data acquisition and analysis; Process Analyzers, Process Control Tools; and Continuous Improvement and Knowledge Management tools. Field Analytical Technology and OnSite Analysis is also covered. Please submit all manuscripts to the editor Journal of Process Analytical Chemistry & Technology - JPAC, at the following address:

JPAC-Journal of Process Analytical Chemistry & Technology
253 Commerce Dr. Suite 103
P.O. Box 7100
Grayslake, IL 60030
Tel: 847-548-1800 Fax: 847-548-1811

Manuscript Preparation

Full-length manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word (Windows based) (1500-2500 words) via attached email to . Manuscripts should be organized into separate and distinct sections, such as Keywords, Abstract, Introduction, Experimental, Discussion, Results, Conclusion, and References. Other guidelines to follow when preparing the manuscript include: A list of keywords should be submitted with the manuscript. References should be cited in text in order of use. All Figures and Tables should be referenced in text, in order of use (see Illustrations, below).

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Charts, graphs and other illustrations are to be embedded in Word (Windows environment), and also submitted as separate electronic files for the production editor. This makes it easier to make changes (such as spelling corrections). Preferred formats are JPG, PCX, and TIF as well as native Excel (*.XLS) and Power Point (*.PPT). Figures should be referenced in the text and Figure legends included. The legend should explain all symbols used in the Figure. Tables should be placed on a separate page. Tables should be referenced in text with Roman Numerals in consecutive order. Each Table should be identified (similar to a Figure legend) and each column within the table should have an appropriate heading.

Identify all illustrative material with the figure number and principal author's name written in pencil on the back. Figure legends should be included, each identified by its proper number. All symbols used in the figures should be explained in the legends. Each table should be on a separate page. In text, tables should be referred to by roman numerals in consecutive order. Every table and column within a table must have an appropriate heading.


Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Accepted manuscripts become the property of JPAC and InfoScience Services, Inc. and may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of JPAC and InfoScience Services, Inc. If any illustrations or tabular data in a manuscript have been published elsewhere, the author is responsible for obtaining permission to republish.